Saturday, 07 Apr 2018 3:00 PM
Join us for our monthly Kundalini In-Depth Studies & Teacher Training Program!
In this late afternoon segment of our monthly meeting day, from 3:00 – 5:30PM, we move into chakra study within a variety of themes, with information and techniques to work on opening and balancing the full flow of energy in your life.
Please join us for the full day by RSVPing for each component on the meeting day! Kundalini Yoga & Meditation Practice at 9:30AM, and In-Depth Studies lecture/discussion at 11:00AM! You may drop in for this segment only, though you may enjoy it more within the full context of practice and discussions for the day.
More details and enrollment info can be found at Attend sequentially within a cohesive group, start to finish, over 11 months plus an immersion retreat, or come as you can, participating modularly on a drop-in, flexible basis.
**Full program enrollment includes a separate monthly early morning Sadhana to enhance your personal practice, PLUS – 50% off studio Kundalini workshops , private sessions, and yoga classes for enrolled students! A Modular option is available for those who require flexibility or plan to attend only occasionally. Full day rate (9:30 AM – 5:30 PM) for drop-in students is $140. You may attend this segment only for $40. Check, cash or credit card billing available. Teacher training certification does require additional components and tuition, if applicable.**
Looking forward to having you with us!